Hello, I'm Mara
A passionate Energy Alchemist, Illuminator of Potential and Catalyst for Profound Change​
In the spiritual world, they say you start helping people who have gone through what you have experienced because your lessons become your mission. This is absolutely true for me.
My core values are freedom, honesty, integrity, and authenticity.
It is no coincidence that my journey has led me to help others free themselves from limitations.
For so long, I felt limited, restricted, and trapped.
I held a deep desire to be free to express myself and achieve big things in life.
Growing up with a narcissistic mother, I quickly learned that being my authentic self was not safe.
As a coping mechanism, I hid who I was, but this eventually held me back.
I grew up in Italy, surrounded by religious beliefs that never resonated with me.
My grandparents were devout churchgoers, but I refused to adhere to fear-based teachings.
Declaring myself an atheist, I chose to believe in myself.
Reading The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho reconnected me to the concept of the Universe and personal responsibility. It taught me that acting out of fear prolongs your journey because
you must first learn the necessary lessons.
The concept of The Universe as spiritual source made way more sense to me, and that changed my perception around faith because it was not associated to any religion.
My first awakening came in 2009 when I moved to London.
For the first time, I felt free to explore my possibilities without being controlled or criticised.
The Secret was the book that initiated my self-development journey and made me realise I could change my life.
However, I struggled with a lack mindset and low self-worth, which hindered my progress.
In 2015, my dad passed away. This devastating event broke me but also woke me up to my core.
I realised life is too short to live a life that doesn't align with my dreams.
By 2017, I became a certified life coach. I dedicated myself to studying and healing, incorporating
practices like Reiki to heal from grief and other triggers.
That was when I felt I could finally be my true self, using my intuition and creativity to help others
heal their inner child and live life on their terms.
I discovered that my soul communicated through colours,
leading me to dive deeper into colour therapy and Reiki.
As I progressed, I became called to learn more about emotional and energy healing as I could see how my wounds and my client's wounds could be released and transformed by learning to understand more about unhealed emotions and how energies work.
That's why I leaned into other practices that helped me understand the mind-body-spirit connection, like Colour Therapy, Meditation, Human Design, Gene Keys, and so many others.
As I dug deeper, the connection with my Intuition and my guides,
particularly angels and my ancestors, kept deepening and guiding me.
Starting my business was another awakening moment and a constant lesson
in shedding layers of conditioning, fears, limiting beliefs, and blockages.
For someone like me that learnt very early on to rely on herself, knowing that my spirit guides, my angels,
my ancestors and all the cosmic realm is guiding and helping me move through life, it's not only comforting
but even more so a motivation to improve and surrender.
I am a cycle breaker, and my passion for helping others breaking cycles of limitation stems from my personal experiences and the transformations I have witnessed in my clients.
It is my mission, honour, and deep joy to assist you in releasing limitations you may not even realise you have. This allows you to confidently step into your potential, trust yourself, and create the life you deserve, unapologetically and authentically.
If my story resonates with you and you are ready to break cycles of limitations that are keeping you small and you want to step into your next level of evolution, let’s have a chat!
Book a breakthrough call with me, and let's embark on this transformative journey together.